Sunday, May 29, 2011

Strength and Fear

Strength and fear are two words that often seem like opposites. If you are strong, then you are fearless. If you are scared, you are weak. I disagree. Some of my greatest fears in life I have been confronted with and have become stronger from living through. Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. I have found alot of confidence and wisdom in dealing with these times and wouldn't change them because the outcome has made me stronger and ultimately, my life better. Struggles in my marriage have only made us a stronger and more unbreakable couple, more in touch with our marriage and priorities, more communicative, more open, more aware of the unconditional true love we share, more aware of God's work in our lives. Struggles with parenting only show me that being a good parent is what I desire to be or the situations wouldn't mean anything to me or I wouldn't be bothered by them. Courage to parent is important. We can't always be our kid's friend...they have plenty. But we must always have the courage to parent, even when our kids might not like our style. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the mastery of fear. We all fear that if something bad happens that we won't be able to have the strength to handle it. I have learned this year that we don't need to have fear. God will provide strength if we place our fears in Him.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer 2011 Amen



Summer is here!

Thank you God for summer. Sunshine. Warm days and smiles. Water. Sand. Cold drinks and air conditioning. Memories to be made in Summer 2011 Amen.

One step at a time

This staircase is adorable. Ironically, it was designed by Sarah from Sarah's house on of my favorites! Today's blog has nothing to do with design or homes, but rather steps. I received a card from my mom the other day that was just to be nice. She wrote many things in it, but my favorite was a comment she made about Todd and I. She said there will be times when you take one step forward, two steps back, two steps forward, one step back, etc....but to just keep stepping until you dance. That is such great advice. These steps reminded me of that. I never want to be the couple that stays comfortably on the first step. I want to be challenged and eager to keep going higher. I am realizing as I age, that sometimes to get to the third step, it often takes dropping down to the first. The highs and lows of life shared with someone else. I am a firm believer that each valley makes the next peak higher. I am not in search of a ho-hum life. I want to be forever stepping higher, dancing more. Todd and I are not perfect, but we are definitely PERFECT together. I will take every high and every low shared with him...after my dad says, "those two are like salt and pepper, they just go together!" T- I look foward to all the spices our life will offer us! I love you!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


We have a foundation! Finally!!! The kids are having fun going out and seeing the changes...and so are we! We just can't wait to get there for good!


I saw this cute clip and it just made me think of summer! Nothing better than a full day's play in the sunshine, a good and healthy dinner, warm baths and jammies. I love when the kids all pile around us and we all watch something on TV. Summer makes that better too because bedtime is always more lax. "One more commercial?" is almost always answered with "yes" in the summer. We love Biggest Loser (although Todd loves to have ice cream while watching), Extreme Makeover, Minute to Win It and Amazing Race. But it isn't what we watch, it is the time in our jammies we enjoy...all curled up together!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Missing Pieces

My father is the most meticulous, talented, creative and skilled craftsman that I know. As a retired CEO, I am so proud that he has decided to not only showcase just a piece of the work that he previously did as a hobby, but offer it for sale as well! Tomorrow is the big day! His website will go public! It will be offering two products. Beautiful walnut rocking horses and walnut horse head bookends. They are very high quality and will be such a rich addition to any home! Check out You are guaranteed to love these beautiful horses!

Also...LIKE them on facebook! Missing Pieces LLC

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Grandma Liz

Today I am remembering my dad's mom and my dear friend Elizabeth Hogan (Grandma Liz). She passed away five years ago this Tuesday. She was an inspiration, a joy, a confidant, a mom, a grandma, a wife, a friend, a Catholic, a strong opinion, a dancer and a realist...just to name a few! I miss her dearly! We love you Grandma Liz! XOXOXO in Heaven!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Something Old

The following is a short story that I wrote about 8 years ago. It was accepted for publication about a year ago, but after reading the contract, I decided not to proceed with the publisher. I would love feedback (positive and negative!) Thanks!

Something Special

There wasn’t anything unique about it. The edges were rounded and the material a common, waffled white. It came folded neatly in a cream colored box, wrapped in crisp tissue paper and sealed with a simple pink bow. On the card, the words “May it provide comfort” were written alone in delicate calligraphy.

Mother took it to be embroidered. My initials, meant to have been sewn in a pretty pink, were accidentally done in blue. Never finding the time to have it re-stitched, thus they stayed.
At first, the blanket was nothing but a source of warmth on the coldest of afternoon strolls. Then it made its way to naptime. To bedtime. Then eventually snuck into my daily routine.

It became the knapsack for picnics in a make-believe park. It was the sea for my adventurous days at the family room beach. The tent for my camping trips to the basement. Even the veil for my teddy bear wedding in the backyard. Most of all, it became my best friend. My partner in crime. Ultimately, my comfort.

As I grew, I no longer needed my blanket in my daily activities. At sun-up, I would tuck it neatly into my dresser drawer. At days end, it was the first thing I would grab before slipping under the covers and into dreamland.

Every once in a while, I would catch a glimpse of my blanket and notice the way the waffled white was no longer crisp and clean. It had stains from days of play and snack time spills that mother could not remove. It had a few holes. It had a few rips. And if you looked very closely, you could see where a few tears had fallen and left their mark. But most of the time, I didn’t even notice its imperfections. No matter what, it was still my most favorite thing. My flawless source of comfort.

If that blanket could talk it could tell a million stories. It could tell you how I cried myself to sleep my first night at college. It could tell you the secrets it heard tucked in my pillowcase, as my roommates shared gossip over an all night game of truth or dare. It could tell you how fast my heart was beating as I lay in bed after first kissing my future husband that cool night in October. It could tell you my prayers. It could tell you everything about me. But it won’t.
Today, that blanket by appearance is nothing but something old. But on this special day of mine, this special day where I am the one that is in crisp white, it is more than something old. It is something borrowed. Borrowed from the depths of an amazing journey through childhood, adolescence and womanhood. The initials on it, once meant to be pink, couldn’t be more perfectly something blue. And something new. Its job of comfort provider will now be replaced by a man to whom I will give my soul. It’s purpose now to be a good luck charm.
As I walk down the aisle, my blanket secretly pinned neatly under the layers and layers of tulle and satin that makes up my dress, I can feel its soft waffle white. I am comforted. I am ready. I am lucky.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Me and My Ry

Before there was a Bailey, Finley or Hogan, there was just a Riley. It was just me and my Ry most of the day until Todd came home from work. In the beginning, he worked a ZILLION hours a week, so that left alot of time for Riley and I to hang out and bond. As she gets older and as we have added a few more kids to the mix, there isn't as much time for just her and I to hang out alone. Yesterday, we took a moment to sit together and it just felt great. I love her so much. It is so neat to watch her grow up, yet so surreal that she is already nearing eleven. Goofy. Compassionate. Funny. Smart. Caring. Kind. Helpful. That's my Ry. No matter where she ends up or what she becomes I will always remember special times between me and my Ry.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I dare you.

Today I dare any married couple...ANY married couple (happy, newly married, unhappy, fighting, thrilled, angry, sad, almost over, settled, mediocre, etc...) to buy a copy of the book entitled The Love Dare and read it together every night. Just one chapter every night. Todd and I started it a couple weeks ago and it is amazing. We love it so much that we are going to read it over and over! And if you can't get your spouse to read it with you, read it yourself and preform the tasks! It will change your life. I dare you...

Boys in the FJ

Yesterday after Todd cut the grass, he decided to put the carseat in the 1973 FJ and take Hogan on his first ride out of the neighborhood! Both of them were super excited! Anyone that knows T, knows that the FJ is his baby! Hogan was ecstatic when he came home...and so was Todd claiming "he loved it!" I love my boys!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Today at Church, our pastor read us the following poem. My husband squeezed my hand the whole time as a sign that this was not only meaningful to me, but he was hearing the message as well. Enjoy!

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Facebook Find to Blog About

I rarely get on Facebook anymore. Unfortunately, sometimes it feels like the new place to get a good "dig" into someone else, brag about yourself, your kids or your kid's kids, complain, or just post something dumb like "picking up cheese at Kroger". Who cares!? But today in carpool line, I was flipping through the morning news feed and a quote came up on an old college friend's profile. It was a Chinese proverb that read "Better to light one small candle than curse the darkness". I love that. In this C-R-A-Z-Y world full of people that live for themselves without caring about the effects they may have on others, it would be easy to just either give up trying to be positive and productive and just take on the "if you can't beat them, join them" philosophy. It would be easier to just go about the day feeling sorry for yourself, complaining about how horrible the world is and just becoming one big ball of negative energy. But I like the idea of being the one small candle. It actually coincides with the message from Church this weekend. The pastor spoke about taking on people in your life that are in need of some light. Everyone has a story and sometimes someone just needs someone to reach out to them. I remember a story I was told once about a guy that was headed home from school with his bookbag full of books and junk. He did not have any friends at school and was in a very dark place. He had cleaned out his locker and was planning to commit suicide that night. On the way home from school, a kid offered to help him with his heavy bag and became the "one small candle" that lit up the life of the lost kid. They became forever friends and now the once "lost kid" is now a motivational speaker. One small candle makes a difference...sometimes a big one. See the forest through the trees. Find the smile. Give a hug. Keep trying with the person that seems the hardest to reach. Most of the time, you will be better for it. For in the midst of difficulty, lies opportunity. Find it. Light the candle.